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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • Even my parents satisfy with the result!
  • 2020-04-16 hit.15,669
  • Writer : An**


Motivation of the surgery and what is the reason that I chose EU

As I got older, my bite was not on the right position and my jaw began to forward it. In addition, my face getting longer that I start to feel insecure about appearance. After I lost a lot of weight, my chin looked bigger, and I started to touch other parts of my face. Such as getting nose job and fat transfer surgery. . But my appearance get worse and I want to quit my job and want to do the double jaw surgery. First, I searched about EU through Instagram. I also know about other famous hospitals but I really like the surgery review that EU doctors performed! I just want to get good outcome of the surgery!

Post OP 1 Day

When I woke up, the operation was over and I had a hard time waking up from the anesthesia because I felt sick and dizzy. I couldn't feel the pain in my jaw, probably because of the pain killer injection, and when I was sleeping, it was painful that I need to check time every time when I wake up it was barely past 10, 30 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour.


Post OP 2 Days

Consultant came in the morning and I cried without realizing it. I felt like she is my family, and I cried. It was difficult to touch my cell phone, I did not want to watch TV, and above all, I did not want to know my face. There was no more pain than I thought, but general anesthesia seemed to be difficult for me. In the evening, Dr. Shin came occasionally. Thank you so much for taking out the ice pack and changing it every time when I need it.


Post OP 3 Days

I finally discharged. I think my condition is getting better because I disinfect and deswelling laser treatment it every morning. Most of all, I gained strength thinking about going home. I said that swelling would get worse from now on, but when I got home, my nose, mouth, and throat began to swell.


Post OP 4 Days

My family and friends said that my chin got shorter after looking at the picture and I looks cute!. I could drink New Care, swallow the pills one by one, and drink water. Making it easier to swallow!


Post OP 7 Days

I wake up only once at night and sleep well. I am so happy that my condition is good. I got used to with wafer and the swelling inside of my mouth decreased, so it became so easy to drink porridge or soup. Except for swelling and bruises on the neck, it does not affect my daily life at all.


Post OP 10 Days

My nose and throat are dry and swollen just like when I have a cold but I do not feel sick. My face has been deswelling a lot and I felt like all the swelling and fat has been move to bottom of my chin. Therefore, I try best to lifting pack on my neck. .Maybe it is because my skin’s elasticity is not good and I am not that young.


Post OP 12 Days

My parents like it because my chin is get slimier and shorter after surgery. They opposed it at first, but they admit that I look much better after surgery! My parents are sad that I can't eat and suffer, but I lost some weight and I've eaten a lot so I'm still tolerable!!


Post OP 17 Days

I could not exercise because I was out of energy, but I started walking little by little these days. Now that I've eaten more, I think I should work out;; face swelling seems to be a stagnant period. The big swelling is gone but still some of swelling under the cheeks next to the nose is remain. I am doing a lifting pack every day.


Post OP 18 Days

I met a friend for first time after the surgery. I take out my mask and revealing my face like Let Mein. She said that my change is amazing! Even though I had no makeup on, she praised for my small face and changed impression. ^^


Post OP 19 Days

I seasoned on food that it leads my face to get swollen a lot in the morning. I am walking as much as I can. Certainly, the swelling goes down more in the evening than in the morning.


Post OP 20 Days

I said I could take off the wafer during the meal, but I am not taking it off because I'm afraid I might not be able to put it back on. I am used to wearing wafers, so I feel uncomfortable.


Post OP 22 Days

I can't even chew the food, but I am still eating soft food a lot that makes me full. I lost 3kg and I don't lose any more.;;;;


Post OP 23 Days

I am doing four sets of open mouth exercises 10 times a day. Maybe that is why my chin sometimes feels very stiff and throbbing. Two fingers go in lightly inside of mouth and three are still hard.


Post OP 26 Days

I think my face is deswelling compare to last few days. Walking around diligently seems to be effective! These days, I feel like taking a selfie ^^ Even if I tie my hair up and wear a hat, my face looks round and looks good on me. I could not imagine it because my face looked long and plain before surgery. Thank you so much Dr and EU!. As time goes by, as the swelling goes down, the satisfaction grows, I enjoy looking in the mirror, I enjoy looking at my before-after photos every day.


Post OP 28 Days

I was in the elevator, and I do not know a woman but all the suddenly she just looked at me and said that I am pretty as a doll (I felt shy). In addition, she said that my nose is so pretty. I was so happy that she complimented me so much! In the past, I used to hear that I was tall, and I would just say it if anyone made compliment about my appearance I did not trust it, but I think I will never forget that word today. I feel like my self-esteem raise up little bit.^^ Even after the nose surgery, I didn't hear that my nose was pretty, but when my mouth set back in, my nose was relatively higher and pretty! I was able to see the effect of liposuction and nose surgery with moderate swelling. LOL

Post OP 30 Days (orthodontic treatment)

Finally a month after the surgery, I visited my orthodontist for the first time. His first impression was good and he explained to me very well! I think I saw him from youtube! However, he looks much better in reality! It will take around 8month to finish with my braces! It is comfortable that what I expected. I saw Dr. Shin for my checkup. He said that I look pretty! J Thank you doctor I am so satisfy with it!


Post OP 31 Days

Regarding having a meal, doctor inform me that I should remove wafer and try to chew the food very gently, but I am afraid that when I remove the wafer and chew food. I also felt like teeth are not mine too.  It is so weird that I used to remove the wafer but not anymore. I felt tightening on my teeth area and I am bleeding little bit on my gum.

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